Becoming A Christian

Becoming a Christian

There are many ways of presenting what we often call the "plan of salvation."

However, God's plan is often represented by the ABCs:

A = Admit

Admit to God that what His Word says about you is true; namely, that you are a sinner in need of salvation.

The Bible says that each of us is a sinner, and that sinners are wholly incapable of saving themselves (Romans 3:10-12, 23; 5:8-10; Ephesians 2:1-3). In biblical terms, this calls for repentance - confessing to God that you are a sinner by nature and by choice (Ephesians 2:1-3) and that His condemnation of you is just (Romans 6:23). Simply put, confess your sin to God (1 John 1:9).

B = Believe

On the basis of His death, burial and resurrection, believe in Jesus Christ.

The Bible calls for faith in Jesus Christ alone, which in such cases does not refer simply to cognitive knowledge or mental assent, but to a personal confidence in and commitment to Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Romans 5:8-10; Ephesians 2:8-9). Faith always has an object; and the object of a Christian's faith is Christ. It is impossible for a person to receive the gift of eternal life and reach heaven any other way (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

C = Confess

Having believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, confess Him to others.

Simply put, those who have placed their faith in Christ are called upon to make public profession of that belief (Romans 5:9-10) and to assist others in knowing Him (Matthew 28:18-20). In fact, Christ demands such a profession (Matthew 10:32-33).


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