

Ebenezer Baptist Church is located in Bryant, Alabama, a small but growing rural community located on the northern end of Sand Mountain overlooking the Tennessee River Valley. Bryant offers quick and easy access to such areas as Scottsboro AL, Trenton GA, and Chattanooga, TN - all of which are within 45 minutes driving time.

The people of Bryant are protective yet friendly, loyal yet progressive, maintaining a strong sense of history, faith, family, and community. Bryant truly is a wonderful place to call home, and we are proud to do so.

Ebenezer Baptist Church was founded in 1845, and is a well-established part of Bryant. In fact, many would say that our church is historic. Yet over years, in response to the will of God and the needs of people, Ebenezer has adapted. We recognize the changes around us and embrace our changing world as a mission field. We are a conservative, and yet progressive church and we truly believe that our best days are yet to come! Our goal is to be consistent yet innovative, a real and relevant part of this community for many years to come.

For that reason, Ebenezer is proud to offer a variety of ministries to people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences. We are making advancements and trying new things, for while the Good News of Jesus never changes, the world in which we live certainly does. We are seeking newfound relevance, for the old, old story never grows old.

Come as our guest. Get to know us a little better. We trust that you will find a people of faith and friendship, a place to be challenged, encouraged, and renewed, and an environment in which you can live, love and grow.

Mission Statement

Like all Christian churches, Ebenezer Baptist Church has been assigned its Mission by Jesus Christ. We call it The Great Commission. It can be found, in different forms, in all four New Testament gospels and the Book of Acts (see Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21; Acts 1:8). Therefore, our church has formally adopted the following statement as its singular reason for being:


"Ebenezer Baptist Church exists to introduce people to Jesus Christ and develop them into mature disciples."

Core Values

In our pursuit of this Mission, we are committed to five Core Values*:

  1. Worship: Growing stronger
  2. Evangelism: Growing larger
  3. Discipleship: Growing deeper
  4. Fellowship: Growing warmer
  5. Ministry: Growing broader

*See Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995), chapters 3-8.


It has been said that if you aim for nothing, you will hit your target every time. Therefore, Ebenezer has formally adopted a statement of Target - the same target as Jesus, who said, "I came to seek and to save that which was lost."


Our statement reads as follows: "The primary target of Ebenezer Baptist Church is the unchurched population of Bryant, Alabama and its surrounding area."


Discipleship is an ongoing training at Ebenezer

Vision Statement

Vision Statement

We envision a biblically balanced approach to worship that exalts God and is conducive to reaching the unchurched. Through blended music, relevant preaching, modern facilities, and effective worship tools, we will cultivate an environment for corporate worship that is reverent and relevant, inspiring and inviting, to all who attend.


We envision welcoming many new members into a growing church family. As commissioned by Jesus, sharing the Gospel and reaching the unchurched will be a primary concern in all that we do. Through prayer, giving, and personal participation, we envision a church that is dedicated to expanding Christ's kingdom at home and around the world.


We envision developing the members of our church into mature disciples committed to Christ-centered living. Through quality Bible study and ongoing opportunities for Christian training and service, we will develop an approach to discipleship that promotes spiritual growth and facilitates our members reaching the unchurched.


We envision a church where no one is alienated and everyone is loved. Believing that Jesus died to make us one, we will cultivate an environment where people can live, love and grow through caring relationships and fellowship events. We will endeavor to plan fellowship activities with the unchurched in mind.


We envision an army of mature Christians serving the Lord together through a wide variety of innovative ministry projects designed to meet real needs and reach the unchurched. Believing that every member is a minister, members will be encouraged to adopt a personal, passion-driven ministry by discovering their spiritual gifts and maximizing their abilities.

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